Free Java Guide

These tutorials will introduce you to Java programming Language. You'll compile and run your own Java application, using Sun's JDK. It's very easy to learn java programming skills, and in these parts, you'll learn how to write, compile, and run Java applications. Before you can develop corejava applications, you'll need to download the Java Development Kit (JDK).


How to make executable jar files in JDK1.3.1?

Instructions for creating an Executable .jar file

Make or modify the Manifest.MF to YourManifest.MF.

1) YourClassNameWithMain is the class name (case sensitive) without .class extension
2) No extra spaces following the YourClassName withMain.

Main-Class: YourClassNameWithMain
Created-by:1.2(Sun Microsystems Inc.)
On Command line : type the following
jar cvfm YourJarFileName.jar YourManifest.MF*


jar cvfm YourJarFileName.jar YourManifest.MF -C classes yourClassPath
Drag-drop the YourJarFileName.jar to your desktop double click it, it runs
If your program only has System.out.println ("whatever"); statements, it will
display nothing. The same will happen when you run it useing java at command line 

You need some windows code to see it run

Instructions for creating a .jar file. jar utility comes with your JDK1.2.2 It compresses your file similar to zip utility, and more Java.

You can use it on any machine installed JDK 

Create a folder name it anything
Make that folder your current directory
put all your files for turning in (do not put any extra) in that directory.

Be sure to put your html file, if there is one
At your dos prompt, while you are in the directory that you created , type in:
jar cvf Prj02.jar*

This will take ALL the files in the directory including subdirectories and place them in a .jar file Prj02 that can be replaced by any of your desired jar file name.

To test it, you can extract the contents of jar file by typing:
jar xvf Prj02.jar